Wednesday, October 30, 2019

LAW ASSESSED WORK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

LAW ASSESSED WORK - Essay Example If we apply this by analogy to the current scenario, David was entering into contractual negotiations with Golden Antiques on behalf of White Hall Limited. Therefore, in order for there to be a valid contract, David will have to have capacity and authority to bind the company in such contracts (McIntyre, 2008). Sections 39-40 of the Companies Act 2006 (CA) regulate authority to negotiate on behalf of companies. Section 39(1) of the CA provides that â€Å"the validity of any act done by a company shall not be called into question on the ground of lack of capacity by reason of anything in the company’s constitution.† In addition, section 40(1) of the CA stipulates that â€Å"In favour of a person dealing with a company in good faith, the power of the board of directors to bind the company, or authorise others to do so, shall be deemed to be free of any limitation under the company’s constitution†. Moreover, section 40(2) of the CA implements a provision that as regards third parties negotiating with a company, there will be a presumption of good faith. As such, the CA provisions do not require third parties to enquire as to whether there are any restrictions on the authority of the board to enter into a contract. Accordingly, if we apply this to the current scenario, unless Golden Antiques were put on notice that David did not have appropriate authority, there will be a presumption that David had capacity to negotiate and conclude the contract with Golden Antiques on behalf of White Halls Limited. Therefore, the fundamental issue will be whether the legal requirements for an enforceable contract have been complied with. The law of contract provides a tripartite test for determining a legally binding contract, which is offer, valid acceptance and consideration. For example, in New Zealand Shipping Co Limited v A M Satterthwaite, The Eurymedon ([1975]) AC 154

Monday, October 28, 2019

Time Management Essay Example for Free

Time Management Essay Time Management skills are essential for successful people these are the practical techniques which have helped the leading people in business, sport and public service reach the pinnacles of their careers. The 80:20 Rule This is neatly summed up in the Pareto Principle, or the 80:20 Rule. This argues that typically 80% of unfocussed effort generates only 20% of results. The remaining 80% of results are achieved with only 20% of the effort. While the ratio is not always 80:20, this broad pattern of a small proportion of activity generating non-scalar returns recurs so frequently as to be the norm in many areas. If you work for an organization, calculate how much you cost it each year. Include your salary, payroll taxes, the cost of office space you occupy, equipment and facilities you use, expenses, administrative support, etc. If you are self-employed, work the annual running costs of your business. If you work normal hours, you will have approximately 200 productive days each year. If you work 7 ½ hours each day, this equates to 1,500 hours in a year. From these figures, calculate an hourly rate. This should give a reasonable estimate of how much your time is worth this may be a surprisingly large amount When you are deciding whether or not to take a task on, think about this value are you wasting your or your organizations resources on a low yield task? ________________________________________ Personal Time Management for Busy Managers by Gerard M Blair Time passes, quickly. This article looks at the basics of Personal Time Management and describes how the Manager can assume control of this basic resource. The Eff words The three Eff words are [concise OED]: †¢Effective having a definite or desired effect †¢Efficient productive with minimum waste or effort †¢Effortless   seemingly without effort; natural, easy Personal Time Management is about winning the Eff words: making them apply to you and your daily routines. What is Personal Time Management? Personal Time Management is about controlling the use of your most valuable (and undervalued) resource. Consider these two questions: what would happen if you spent company money with as few safeguards as you spend company time, when was the last time you scheduled a review of your time allocation? The absence of Personal Time Management is characterized by last minute rushes to meet dead-lines, meetings which are either double booked or achieve nothing, days which seem somehow to slip unproductively by, crises which loom unexpected from nowhere. This sort of environment leads to inordinate stress and degradation of performance: it must be stopped. Poor time management is often a symptom of over confidence: techniques which used to work with small projects and workloads are simply reused with large ones. But inefficiencies which were insignificant in the small role are ludicrous in the large. You can not drive a motor bike like a bicycle, nor can you manage a supermarket-chain like a market stall. The demands, the problems and the payoffs for increased efficiency are all larger as your responsibility grows; you must learn to apply proper techniques or be bettered by those who do. Possibly, the reason Time Management is poorly practised is that it so seldom forms a measured part of appraisal and performance review; what many fail to foresee, however, is how intimately it is connected to aspects which do. Personal Time Management has many facets. Most managers recognize a few, but few recognize them all. There is the simple concept of keeping a well ordered diary and the related idea of planned activity. But beyond these, it is a tool for the systematic ordering of your influence on events, it underpins many other managerial skills such as Effective Delegation and Project Planning. Personal Time Management is a set of tools which allow you to: eliminate wastage be prepared for meetings refuse excessive workloads monitor project progress allocate resource (time) appropriate to a tasks importance ensure that long term projects are not neglected plan each day efficiently plan each week effectively and to do so simply with a little self-discipline. Since Personal Time Management is a management process just like any other, it must be planned, monitored and regularly reviewed. In the following  sections, we will examine the basic methods and functions of Personal Time Management. Since true understanding depends upons experience, you will be asked to take part by looking at aspects of your own work. If you do not have time to this right now ask yourself: why not? Current Practice What this article is advocating is the adoption of certain practices which will give you greater control over the use and allocation of your primary resource: time. Before we start on the future, it is worth considering the present. This involves the simplistic task of keeping a note of how you spend your time for a suitably long period of time (say a week). I say simplistic since all you have to do is create a simple table, photocopy half-a-dozen copies and carry it around with you filling in a row every time you change activity. After one week, allocate time (start as you mean to go on) to reviewing this log. Waste Disposal We are not looking here to create new categories of work to enhance efficiency (that comes later) but simply to eliminate wastage in your current practice. The average IEE Chartered Engineer earns about 27,000 pounds per annum: about 12.50 pounds per hour, say 1 pound every 5 minutes; for how many 5 minute sections of your activity would you have paid a pound? The first step is a critical appraisal of how you spend your time and to question some of your habits. In your time log, identify periods of time which might have been better used. There are various sources of waste. The most common are social: telephone calls, friends dropping by, conversations around the coffee machine. It would be foolish to eliminate all non-work related activity (we all need a break) but if its a choice between chatting to Harry in the afternoon and meeting the next pay-related deadline Your time log will show you if this is a problem and you might like to do something about it before your boss does. In your time log, look at each work activity and decide objectively how much time each was worth to you, and compare that with the time you actually spent on it. An afternoon spent polishing an internal memo into a Pulitzer prize winning piece of provocative prose is waste; an hour spent debating the leaving present of a colleague is waste; a minute spent sorting out the paper-clips is waste (unless relaxation). This type of activity will be reduced naturally by  managing your own time since you will not allocate time to the trivial. Specifically, if you have a task to do, decide before hand how long it should take and work to that deadline then move on to the next task. Another common source of waste stems from delaying work which is unpleasant by finding distractions which are less important or unproductive. Check your log to see if any tasks are being delayed simply because they are dull or difficult. Time is often wasted in changing between activities. For this reason it is useful to group similar tasks together thus avoiding the start-up delay of each. The time log will show you where these savings can be made. You may want then to initiate a routine which deals with these on a fixed but regular basis. Doing Subordinates Work Having considered what is complete waste, we now turn to what is merely inappropriate. Often it is simpler to do the job yourself. Using the stamp machine to frank your own letters ensures they leave by the next post; writing the missing summary in the latest progress report from your junior is more pleasant than sending it back (and it lets you choose the emphasis). Rubbish! Large gains can be made by assigning secretarial duties to secretaries: they regularly catch the next post, they type a lot faster than you. Your subordinate should be told about the missing section and told how (and why) to slant it. If you have a task which could be done by a subordinate, use the next occasion to start training him/her to do it instead of doing it yourself you will need to spend some time monitoring the task thereafter, but far less that in doing it yourself. Doing the work of Others A major impact upon your work can be the tendency to help others with theirs. Now, in the spirit of an open and harmonious work environment it is obviously desirable that you should be willing to help out but check your work log and decide how much time you spend on your own work and how much you spend on others. For instance, if you spend a morning checking the grammar and spelling in the training material related to you last project, then that is waste. Publications should do the proofreading, that is their job, they are better at it than you are; you should deal at the technical level. The remaining problem is your manager. Consider what periods in your  work log were used to perform tasks that your manager either repeated or simply negated by ignoring it or redefining the task, too late. Making your manager efficient is a very difficult task, but where it impinges upon your work and performance you must take the bull by the horns (or whatever) and confront the issue. Managing your manager may seem a long way from Time Management but no one impacts upon your use of time more than your immediate superior. If a task is ill defined seek clarification (is that a one page summary or a ten page report?). If seemingly random alterations are asked in your deliverables, ask for the reasons and next time clarify these and similar points at the beginning. If the manager is difficult, try writing a small specification for each task before beginning it and have it agreed. While you can not tactfully hold your manager to this contract if he/she has a change of mind, it will at least cause him/her to consider the issues early on, before you waste your time on false assumptions. External Appointments The next stage of Personal Time Management is to start taking control of your time. The first problem is appointments. Start with a simple appointments diary. In this book you will have (or at least should have) a complete list of all your known appointments for the foreseeable future. If you have omitted your regular ones (since you remember them anyway) add them now. Your appointments constitute your interaction with other people; they are the agreed interface between your activities and those of others; they are determined by external obligation. They often fill the diary. Now, be ruthless and eliminate the unnecessary. There may be committees where you can not productively contribute or where a subordinate might be (better) able to participate. There may be long lunches which could be better run as short conference calls. There may be interviews which last three times as long as necessary because they are scheduled for a whole hour. Eliminate the wastage starting today. The next stage is to add to your diary lists of other, personal activity which will enhance your use of the available time. Consider: what is the most important type of activity to add to your diary? No:- stop reading for a moment and really, consider. The single most important type of activity is those which will save you time: allocate time to save time, a stitch in time saves days. And most importantly of all,  always allocate time to time management: at least five minutes each and every day. For each appointment left in the diary, consider what actions you might take to ensure that no time is wasted: plan to avoid work by being prepared. Thus, if you are going to a meeting where you will be asked to comment on some report, allocate time to read it so avoiding delays in the meeting and increasing your chances of making the right decision the first time. Consider what actions need to be done before AND what actions must be done to follow-up. Even if the latter is unclear before the event, you must still allocate time to review the outcome and to plan the resulting action. Simply mark in your diary the block of time necessary to do this and, when the time comes, do it. Scheduling Projects The most daunting external appointments are deadlines: often, the handover of deliverables. Do you leave the work too late? Is there commonly a final panic towards the end? Are the last few hectic hours often marred by errors? If so, use Personal Time Management. The basic idea is that your management of personal deadlines should be achieved with exactly the same techniques you would use in a large project: †¢check the specification are you sure that you agree on what is to be delivered †¢break the task down into small sections so that you can estimate the time needed for each, and monitor progress †¢schedule reviews of your progress (e.g. after each sub-task) so that you can respond quickly to difficulties Like most management ideas, this is common sense. Some people, however, refute it because in practise they find that it merely shows the lack of time for a project which must be done anyway. This is simply daft! If simple project planning and time management show that the task can not be done, then it will not be done but by knowing at the start, you have a chance to do something about it. An impossible deadline affects not only your success but also that of others. Suppose a product is scheduled for release too soon because you agree to deliver too early. Marketing and Sales will prepare customers to expect the product showing why they really need it but it will not arrive. The customers will be dissatisfied or even lost, the competition will have advanced warning, and all because you agreed to do the impossible. You can avoid this type of problem. By practising time management, you will always have a clear understanding of how you spend your time and what time is  unallocated. If a new task is thrust upon you, you can estimate whether it is practical. The project planning tells you how much time is needed and the time management tells you how much time is available. There are four ways to deal with impossible deadlines: †¢Get the deadline extended †¢Scream for more resources †¢Get the Deliverable redefined to something practical †¢State the position clearly so that your boss (and his/her boss) have fair warning If this simple approach seems unrealistic, consider the alternative. If you have an imposed, but unobtainable, deadline and you accept it; then the outcome is your assured failure. Of course, there is a fifth option: move to a company with realistic schedules. One defence tactic is to present your superior with a current list of your obligations indicating what impact the new task will have on these, and ask him/her to assign the priorities: I cant do them all, which should I slip?. Another tactic is to keep a data base of your time estimates and the actual time taken by each task. This will quickly develop into a source of valuable data and increase the accuracy of your planning predictions. There is no reason why you should respond only to externally imposed deadlines. The slightly shoddy product which you hand-over after the last minute rush (and normally have returned for correction the following week) could easily have been polished if only an extra day had been available so move your personal deadline forward and allow yourself the luxury of leisured review before the product is shipped. Taking this a step further, the same sort of review might be applied to the product at each stage of its development so that errors and rework time are reduced. Thus by allocating time to quality review, you save time in rework; and this is all part of project planning supported and monitored by your time management. Finally, for each activity you should estimate how much time it is worth and allocate only that amount. This critical appraisal may even suggest a different approach or method so that the time matches the tasks importance. Beware of perfection, it takes too long allocate time for fitness for purpose, then stop. Monitoring Staff Your Personal Time Management also affects other people, particularly your subordinates. Planning projects means not only allocating your time but also the distribution of tasks; and this should be done in the same planned, monitored and reviewed manner as your own scheduling. Any delegated task should be specified with an (agreed) end date. As a Manager, you are responsible for ensuring that the tasks allocated to your subordinates are completed successfully. Thus you should ensure that each task is concluded with a deliverable (for instance, a memo to confirm completion) you make an entry in your diary to check that this has arrived. Thus, if you agree the task for Tuesday, Wednesday should have an entry in your diary to check the deliverable. This simple device allows you to monitor progress and to initiate action as necessary. Long term Objectives There are many long term objectives which the good Manager must achieve, particularly with regard to the development, support and motivation of his/her work-team. Long term objectives have the problem of being important but not urgent; they do not have deadlines, they are distant and remote. For this reason, it is all too easy to ignore them in favour of the urgent and immediate. Clearly a balance must be struck. The beauty of Time Management is that the balance can be decided objectively (without influence from immediate deadlines) and self-imposed through the use of the diary. Simply, a manager might decide that one hour a week should be devoted to personnel issues and would then allocate a regular block of time to that activity. Of course if the factory is on fire, or World War III is declared, the manager may have to re-allocate this time in a particular week but barring such crises, this time should then become sacrosanct and always applied to the same, designated purpose. Similarly, time may be allocated to staff development and training. So if one afternoon a month is deemed to be a suitable allocation, then simply designate the second Thursday (say) of each month and delegate the choice of speakers. The actual time spent in managing this sort of long term objective is small, but without that deliberate planning it will not be achieved. Once you have implemented Personal Time Management, it is worth using some of that control to augment your own career. Some quiet weekend, you should sketch out your own long term objectives and plan a route to them. As you would any long term objective,  allocate time to the necessary sub-tasks and monitor your progress. If you do not plan where you want to go, you are unlikely to get there. Concluding Remarks. Personal Time Management is a systematic application of common sense strategies. It requires little effort, yet it promotes efficient work practices by highlighting wastage and it leads to effective use of time by focusing it on your chosen activities. Personal Time Management does not solve your problems; it reveals them, and provides a structure to implement and monitor solutions. It enables you to take control of your own time how you use it is then up to you.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Analysis of Glory Essay -- Movies Film Glory Civil War Essays

Analysis of Glory   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Glory is a movie about the fifty-fourth Massachusetts regiment in the civil war. This was the first all black regiment the Union ever allowed to fight. Throughout the movie one quote kept proving itself true, â€Å"We went down standing up.† The members of the fifty-fourth proved that they wanted to go down standing up just by joining the army. However there were many situations that proved this further, as the film continued.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  During the regiment’s training period a message arrived at the camp. This message was a warning that all blacks found by confederates would be put to death, as well as their commanding officers. As a result of this warning Colonel Shaw was accepting any soldier’s resignations on the following morning. That morning Shaw was not expecting to see very many soldiers remaining, but to his surprise most all of the men were still there. With this act the men illustrated great bravery, and a willingness to take a stand for their beliefs.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another example of the quote occurred in the black regiment’s training camp. Soldiers were supposed to be paid thirteen dollars a month, but due to the fact that the regiment was black, they were to be paid only ten dollars. The soldiers refused to accept the pay cut and the prejudice that came along with it. They simply went without pay. They may have suffered an injustice by not getting any money for their services, but they would rather not have the money if it meant taking the racism that...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Hunger Artist

Franz Kafka’s â€Å"A Hunger Artist† was written in 1922. The short story is about a man who uses fasting (a form of art) as a sense of fulfillment to himself. The foods of life, were not to his liking. Furthermore, his form of fulfillment was the sight-seeing and interaction with the fans. Fans were amazed by him. His ability to starve himself inside a â€Å"†¦small barred cage†(Kafka 9) was intriguing to most; everybody wanted to see him at least once a day. The time and place of the short story is unidentified.The process of the fast would usually last up until the forty day mark. The Hunger Artist is a man who starves himself, not because he couldn’t eat; it was because he craved the attention as seen in his last moments of life, when he tells a fan â€Å"I couldn’t find the food I liked† (Kafka P. 9) meaning he couldn’t attain the satisfaction from his audience. As a reader we sense a form of confusion or darkness when readin g the text. This form of satisfaction is far from bizarre.I would say, it is safe to say that each person has a personal interest that we like to do that one may find weird. Although it may be bizarre to some people. Most people came to see the Hunger Artist; â€Å"At one time the whole town took a lively interest in the hunger artist; from day to day of his fast, the excitement mounted; everybody wanted to see him at least once a day†(Kafta 5-7). We live in a society, where â€Å"weird† sparks great interest. This was the Hunger Artists form of satisfaction, he was a attention fiend, he was fueled by the masses of people coming out to see him.We can relate this to a toddler and his older siblings. When a child does something that causes a positive reaction or response by another person (usually someone older) they tend to insist on doing it again. Why? because physcologically, the toddler feeds from this attention, very similar to the Artist. The masses of people were amazed at the Hunger Artist. His one of a kind ability, amazed children â€Å"[The] children stood open mouthed†(Kafka 14).People would come in anticipation to see this bizarre figure labeled as the â€Å"Hunger Artist. † His â€Å"palid [body] in black tights, with his ribs sticking out â€Å"(Kafta 16) were one of the many reasons why people would come with the family as a whole, to see this form of ‘entertainment’, if you will. Eventually, people who came to see the Artist in his fast, started to find this matter impossible. Fans took it so far that they felt a sense of obligation to see if the Hunger Artist was cheating or if this display was factual.Theâ€Å"watchers who sat up to the bars, [were] the ones not content with with the dim night lighting of the hall†¦they focused on him in full glare of the electric pocket torch given them by the impresario†(Kafka 47-49). We can relate this to a magician, people usually tend to see what the magician is doing to fool the spectator, but usually the spectator wont find out what the magician is doing to fool the overseer. In exchange the magician would feed off this attention and continue in his expertise, similar to the Hunger Artists’ fasting.As time went on, like most things, the Hunger Artist lost his touch and people were loosing interest in the Hunger Artist. This lack of interest came about so suddenly. For meanwhile the aforementioned change in public interest [was] set in; it seemed to happen almost overnight†¦at any rate the pampered hunger artist suddenly found himself deserted one fine day by the amusement seekers who went streaming past him to other more-favored attractions;†¦(Kafta 17-20) The fans easily forgout about the enduring Hunger Artist, and for that, he had to settle for a new location.He had to go to a circus where conditions were even harsher and people were not recognizing him anymore. No one recognized him anymore and all that h e worked for was flushed down the drain. The artist was placed in the most isolated area of the circus in the dark, opposed to the heavenly light where he once was before he relocated to the circus. Suprisingly, one day an overseer who use to see the Hunger Artist in his prime passed by. He took a peek at the cage, out of curiousity, he recognized the Hunger Artist.The Artist felt a sense of guilt that he let down the fans and his reation to the overseer was â€Å"Forgive me everybody†(Page 276). As words were exchanged between the Hunger Artist and the â€Å"overseer†, it led to the explanation of why the Hunger Artist doesn’t cherish the so called â€Å"foods of life and tended to always fast for his sense of satisfaction from the attention. If I had found [the food I liked], believe me, I should have made no fuss and stuffed myself like your or anyone else.These were his last words, but in his dimming eyes there remained the firm though no longer proud persu asion that he was still continuing to fast;†¦(Kafta 10-14). We can say the Hunger Artist only wanted the fan’s attention and he admires the appreciation of Others. The foods of life weren’t enough for him because the fan’s presense were his â€Å"nutrition†. One may question, â€Å"Why is the Hunger Artist this way? What may his childhood be like? Was he deprieved of attention as a kid?I find it quite ironic that in the last moments of the Hunger Artists life, he is last seen with an overseer. The overseer was shocked to see him and still thought he was crazy now, just like he thought he was crazy when he used to see him in his prime. This craziness is what dragged the masses in his prime to come see him in his during his time of ‘shine’ But now, that craziness has become a flaw and no one cared about him anymore. The attention he once craved has deminished.It is quite ironic that the author does this. It’s like the Kafta wants t he audience to know that in the end, even though the Hunger Artist has led to many overseers to label him as â€Å"crazy† he will still be remembered and has gained the respect of many. In the end, the Hunger Artist comes to his downfall and dies. They bury him with hay straws and he is left with what he arrived with once he was placed in the circus. It’s like the clock was ticking until his death call arrived and was replaced by a youthful black panther.Some people will never be understood in society. Some do amazing things and others do unsual things. In all honesty the Hunger Artist wasn’t looked at for his amazement. He was looked upon as unusual, but the Hunger Artist fed off this attention. People just love to be curious espically to unusual things, we like to judge people and he was judged to be crazy. All in all, it is safe to say that in us all, we seek attention, some more than others, and the Hunger Artist wanted just that. He was a attention fiend.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Descartes And The Material World

If you can’t, does it follow that Descartes’ method of doubt is uselessIt is very difficult to know for certain if the material world exists or not because we are dealing with metaphysical philosophy. Metaphysical philosophy is the branch of philosophy concerned with the basic nature of reality. Its aim is to give a systematic account of the world and the principles that govern it Rene Descartes, a French philosopher during the 17th century came up with many arguments concerning existence. Descartes is called a dualist because he claimed that the world consists of two basic substances, matter and spirit. Matter is the physical universe, of which our bodies are a part. The human mind, or spirit, interacts with the body but can, in theory, exist without it, Descartes argued. Descartes wrote pieces of writing known as The Six Meditations. During these meditations he attempted to rule out anything that can be doubtful. So, for the purpose of rejecting all my opinions, it will be enough if I find each of them at least some reason for doubt, he commented. The results of these meditations will be discussed in detail. Although Descartes is very influential to modern philosophy, it came with a price. Many philosophers attacked Descartes arguments critically. One example where Descartes arguments have been attacked is in the book by John Cottingham. These arguments will be discussed further in this essay. In Meditations on First Philosophy, Descartes first considered the strongest reasons that might be used to show that he could never be certain of anything. He clarifies that everything that humans accept as true have been acquired from the senses or through the senses. Although our senses are our most trustworthy friend, they tend to deceive us from time to time. It is prudent never to trust completely those who have deceived us even once , Descartes argues. In mentally sane beings, the best example where our senses may have deceived us is in our dreams. When we dream, we rarely know we are actually dreaming. So in turn, while dreaming, we are perceived with a false reality. These arguments included the idea that perhaps we might be dreaming, so that nothing we seem to perceive is real. There are though universal laws in which even if our physical existence is doubted still exist. For example, Mathematics and Geometry would still exist because it does not rely on matter. Two plus two would still equal four as well as the fact that a square will always have four sides. Back to the meditation, Descartes reflected that perhaps God or some evil demon was constantly tricking his mind, causing him to believe what was false. Yet, it cannot be God because according to Descartes, God is supremely good. Descartes commences the Second meditation saying, Anything of the slightest doubt I will set aside just as if I had found it to be wholly false. In another words, he will attempt to disregard anything that can be categorised as doubtful. One thing, Descartes argues can exist without doubt, ones existence. Nothing can make him doubt that. Descartes then introduced the famous Latin phrase cogito ergo sum, which means I think, therefore I am. Analysing Descartes arguments, it is clear that one can doubt the existence of a physical world. Descartes gives the example of a piece of wax. When he first perceives the wax, it is hard, has a certain colour, shape and other qualities. However when he puts that same wax next to the fire all its primary and secondary qualities change. It is not hard anymore; colour, shape and other qualities have changed. Nevertheless we still know that it is the same wax before we put it next to the fire. Our mind can understand that but our senses cannot. Many philosophers, on the other hand, disagree with Descartes. For example, the main objection to Descartes theories is the phrase, See to believe. One cannot assume something without actually experiencing it for themselves. In the case of the evil demon, evidence is needed to prove that it actually exists. If there were even the slightest evidence, maybe its existence can be argued upon but the truth is that there is no proof that this demon exists (although physical proof is sometimes not sufficient, for example, in the case of God). If there is a deception, there must be some way to know whether one has been deceived. Otherwise the word deception doesnt distinguish anything from anything else. For example, walking in the desert, one sees water but getting closer to it, it disappears and found out its only a mirage. He/she has found out that he/she has been deceived. In the case of the evil demon, there is no proof that we are being tricked, as mentioned before. As written earlier, Descartes believed that existence may be just a dream but again many believe it is very doubtful. Many believe that dreams are just a reflection of real life. In another words, we dream what we have experienced when awake. Dreams also lack the massiveness and the tremendous degree of internal co-herence that waking-life experiences rather than dreams. In another words, dreams lack things such as laws of gravity and realness that are associated with real life. John Cottingham criticises Descartes in many ways. For example, Descartes points out that the reliability of the intellect is much greater than that of the senses. The question is how the intellect can doubt the senses if we take in our information from our senses and only our senses. Another objection is that from the fact that we are thinking does not seem to be entirely certain that we exist. For in order to be certain that one is thinking one must know what thought or thinking actually is as well as what our existence is. All in all, Descartes work is very influential to modern philosophy. As John Stuart Mill once said, in an argument no one is 100% correct or incorrect, so there it would be unwise to discard anyones opinion. For all humans know, Descartes may be wrong or not but his method of doubt is definitely not useless. In another words, in light of these arguments, it seems that the most plausible position is to keep an open mind.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Revisiting the Minority Issue Viewed from a Statistical Standpoint The Discovery of the Century

Revisiting the Minority Issue Viewed from a Statistical Standpoint The Discovery of the Century Being a minority in a foreign country is not easy; the issue concerning the rights of minorities and the unequal forces of minorities and the majority have been discussed long enough.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Revisiting the Minority Issue Viewed from a Statistical Standpoint: The Discovery of the Century specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More However, due to the influx of immigrants into the U.S., as well as the development of the minority infrastructure and the increase in the birthrates among minorities, the latter can actually become the national majority quite soon, according to what Dougherty states in his article Minority births are new majority in The Wall Street Journal. Dealing with the amount of Hispanic babies that have been born and the rates of death among the Hispanic children, the article offers the data that can be considered from a mathematical viewpoint for making further assumptions as per rise o f the birth of the Hispanic children and the veracity of the statement concerning the minority turning into the majority. As the data provided by Dougherty say, the minimum amount of newborn Hispanic babies is the daily 1.8, whereas the maximum statistics for the Hispanic newborns makes 2.4 per day (Dougherty, 2012, May 17). Before calculating the popular mean, one has to produce the variables; in the given case, these can be 1.9, 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3. As for the annual increment of the Hispanic population, it is necessary to mention that of 1,025 annually born children, 1,000 die every year in the Hispanic areas of the state. Therefore, the popular mean for the Hispanic children born per day is 1/25(1.9 + 2.1 + 2.2. + 2.3) = 0.38. Therefore, the population mean for the given research makes 0.38, which means that the annual increase of the number of Hispanics is upward, yet is rather humble. Defining the margin of error that the calculations in the given article have will be more compli cated, since Dougherty does not offer any specific information on the issue. However, with the help of several calculations, one can possibly define the margin of error.Advertising Looking for report on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More If taking a closer look at what the article has to offer, one will see that none of the statistical data has hundredth; there are only decimals: â€Å"Data for 2010 show Hispanic women give birth to 2.4 babies on average, compared with 1.8 babies for non-Hispanic whites†. Hence, it can be concluded that each of the statistical numbers has been rounded either up or down at least 0.01, which gives the reasons to conclude that the margin of error in the given paper makes 0.1, or 10%. Given the fact that á ¼â‚¬ equals 0.9 in the given case, as the previous calculations say, the confidence interval for the given research can be calculated easily. Following the formul a for the expectation value will lead to defining the confidence interval. Since n equals 25 (1,025 annually born Hispanic babies minus 1,000 annually dying), it can be concluded that the confidence interval in the given example is going to make Therefore, it is clear that the statistical data offered by Dougherty are very accurate. In the light of the above-mentioned, the issue concerning the national minorities is yet to be resolved. Though it is clear that the Hispanics are increasing in number, there are yet social, economical and financial factors to be considered before offering a defining result. Reference List Dougherty, C. (2012, May 17). Minority births are new majority. The Wall Street Journal. Web.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Revisiting the Minority Issue Viewed from a Statistical Standpoint: The Discovery of the Century specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Death in a Promised Land

Interpretations Of Scott Ellsworth's Death In A Promised Land Known as the â€Å"Promised Land,† Tulsa was a boom city in a boom state. The main factor responsible for Tulsa’s rapid growth was oil. In 1904, a toll bridge was opened across the Arkansas River, making the Red Fork oil field more accessible to the labor and business communities. By 1913, Oklahoma produced one-fourth of the nation’s oil. Throughout the 19th century, the city of Tulsa and its black community became larger and more established. Immigration influenced black Tulsa’s social life when blacks born in other states became the majority within the black community. Black Tulsans were â€Å"welcomed† to work common labor, domestic, and service jobs all over the city, but they were â€Å"not welcome† to shop at white businesses in various parts of Tulsa. This was a main reason why the black business community grew along Greenwood Avenue. The intersection of Greenwood and Archer marks the historical significance of separating Tulsaâ€℠¢s black and white communities. In the 1890s, the Oklahoma territorial government passed its first Jim Crow laws. Also, within the first twenty years of the 1900s racial violence increased in Oklahoma, including the numerous lynchings of blacks. The Oklahoma Socialist Party and the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) suffered under World War I. Black Oklahomans took this personally because the IWW held an interracial body and it supported black rights. The Oklahoma Socialist Party fought strongly for blacks’ voting rights. The fact that black soldiers had fought and died in France fueled blacks’ resentment toward the postwar wave of white violence. As whites enacted vigilantism upon blacks, blacks responded with self-defense against them. In 1915, strong white racist and nativist thought revived itself through the â€Å"second† Ku Klux Klan, especially in Tulsa. In regards to the actual preceding events of the 1921 race riot, ... Free Essays on Death in a Promised Land Free Essays on Death in a Promised Land Interpretations Of Scott Ellsworth's Death In A Promised Land Known as the â€Å"Promised Land,† Tulsa was a boom city in a boom state. The main factor responsible for Tulsa’s rapid growth was oil. In 1904, a toll bridge was opened across the Arkansas River, making the Red Fork oil field more accessible to the labor and business communities. By 1913, Oklahoma produced one-fourth of the nation’s oil. Throughout the 19th century, the city of Tulsa and its black community became larger and more established. Immigration influenced black Tulsa’s social life when blacks born in other states became the majority within the black community. Black Tulsans were â€Å"welcomed† to work common labor, domestic, and service jobs all over the city, but they were â€Å"not welcome† to shop at white businesses in various parts of Tulsa. This was a main reason why the black business community grew along Greenwood Avenue. The intersection of Greenwood and Archer marks the historical significance of separating Tulsaâ€℠¢s black and white communities. In the 1890s, the Oklahoma territorial government passed its first Jim Crow laws. Also, within the first twenty years of the 1900s racial violence increased in Oklahoma, including the numerous lynchings of blacks. The Oklahoma Socialist Party and the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) suffered under World War I. Black Oklahomans took this personally because the IWW held an interracial body and it supported black rights. The Oklahoma Socialist Party fought strongly for blacks’ voting rights. The fact that black soldiers had fought and died in France fueled blacks’ resentment toward the postwar wave of white violence. As whites enacted vigilantism upon blacks, blacks responded with self-defense against them. In 1915, strong white racist and nativist thought revived itself through the â€Å"second† Ku Klux Klan, especially in Tulsa. In regards to the actual preceding events of the 1921 race riot, ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

5 Reasons You Should Attend Academic Conferences

5 Reasons You Should Attend Academic Conferences 5 Reasons You Should Attend Academic Conferences Remember that scene at the start of The Lion King where animals gather from miles around to celebrate the birth of Simba? That’s pretty much what academic conferences are. The main difference is that academic conferences have scholars in place of animals, cutting-edge research instead of a royal lion cub, and less music by Elton John. Its the one thing academic conferences are missing. [Photo: Heinrich Klaffs] However, in case the tenuous Lion King analogy hasn’t already convinced you to take an interest in academic conferences, we have a few additional factors to consider†¦ 1. New Ideas and Theories The main reason for attending an academic conference is to learn about the latest research in your field. Many researchers present new ideas at conferences, so if you’re looking for an envelope to push, there are worse places to get inspired! 2. Meeting People is Easy We academic types tend to spend a lot of time locked away in labs, libraries and archives, so any opportunity to get out and meet like-minded people has to be welcomed. This is especially important for postgraduate students, as making connections with fellow academics can benefit your long-term career. Even if you’re not thinking that far ahead, academic conferences and workshops provide opportunities to learn from and speak to leading thinkers in your subject area. Which is something any budding intellectual should embrace! 3. Something for Everyone While most conferences are aimed at postgraduate students and professional academics, these days there are conferences for almost everyone. For instance, the Council on Undergraduate Research holds a conference to promote undergraduate research, scholarship, and creative activity every year, while trade events are held all over the world for those working in specific industries. European International Design Management Conference. [Photo: Wiki4des/Wikimedia] 4. You Don’t Even Have to Leave the House Seen a conference somewhere that seems relevant to your work, but can’t make it along in person? You’ll be happy to hear that most conferences publish a selection of the papers presented, so you can still see what was said by reading the proceedings. 5. Presenting Your Own Work This might not be for everyone, since you can attend conferences as a guest. But giving a presentation at a conference is a great way to get feedback on your work and looks awesome on your resume. You also get to practice your presentation skills, which are essential to academic life.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Discussion questions1-3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Discussion questions1-3 - Essay Example The interpreter does not differentiate between exception and syntax error, it continues to interpret and execute the source code till possible. However, it stops interpreting where finds a syntax error with an error message. In this regard, it is achievable for interpreters to handle the syntax errors as exceptions to continue an execution of a source code/program even after the syntax error. Defensive programming is to investing more time in writing a secure program by validation of extensive of input, avoiding garbage values and standardization of exception handling. The defensive programming relates to variables as in the defensive programming we need to use naming scheme (preferably Hungarian Variables) begins with int, str and providing meaningful variables names. All the variables should be explicitly initialized to avoid garbage values, long script should be break into sections that facilitates reusability and makes easy debugging. Hence, it can be said that the defensive programming avoids not only syntax errors but also some semantic errors while using the above methods, so that when viewing variables the programmer explicitly knows for what purpose the variable is declared and used in a program. Spreadsheet model is one of the major business models that is ubiquitous and allow us to develop more complex and detailed models than traditional mathematics allows. It facilitates business communication especially performing modeling tasks and accounting statements in effective and efficient manner, as it is more-powerful and refined tool. This is the reasons for which spreadsheet modeling is high in demand of recruiters. Modeling helps us to make informed decisions in any business. We can model a system before its actual implementation to know any defect in the model, test the model and can identify pros and cons of the modeled system. Modeling can be used to investigate alternate ways of doing business, without investing in a

Slap Stick Comedy and American Novelists Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Slap Stick Comedy and American Novelists - Essay Example Cartman, mocking the hungry by showing his desire only for the sports watch and not for helping a hungry nation, finds himself lost in a third world country. Another similarity between Grandmother and Cartman is that neither of them are more concerned about others or their surroundings than they are with themselves. Grandmother has her own reasons for not wanting to go to Florida. She uses her family’s safety as an excuse not to go, claiming that there was the chance that the Misfit might catch up with them. However, the safety of her family is the least of her worries. Furthermore, when the Misfit is having his men carry off her family into the woods to meet their end, the Grandmother can do nothing but plead for her own life. She only displays the slightest bit of concern that her son, daughter-in-law, and grandchildren are not being returned to her. Cartman could not care less about the conditions of starving people in third world countries, even one of their occupants is d elivered to his doorstep. He is more concerned with getting his watch. Then, when he is starving along with the other Ethiopians, he is still more concerned with his own welfare than of those around him. Grandmother and Cartman both rely on the help of God when all else has failed.

Friday, October 18, 2019

BUSINESS STRATEGY Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

BUSINESS STRATEGY - Assignment Example Introduction In a general sense, business strategy is regarded as the selection of effective and valuable business ideas, which aids in meeting organisational objectives. Formulation of business strategy is typically considered to be an imperative task for every organisation, whether small or large. It begins with the formulation of innovative business ideas by the concerned persons of various organisations. The responsibility of these concerned people does not end with the formulation of the ideas, but also they need to find out the best ways to implement those ideas and also have a frequent look whether those ideas are working well or not. All these significant aspects have been viewed to provide active support to the business managers of an organisation in making effective decisions towards the accomplishment of organisational targets (Kourdi, 2010). This assignment will analyze two of the decisive models that include ‘Porter’s Five Forces Model’ and ‘Por ter’s Diamond Model’ as a new way of understanding competitive advantage. In this regard, Porter’s Diamond Model is used as the most appropriate basis of measuring the competitiveness at the company level and thus, it is also considered as the model which provides the learning of competitive advantage in accordance with different opinions. ... Both of these models that proposed by Michael Porter are considered to be the effective tools for determining the position of the companies in the international competitive business markets (Porter, 1990). Hence, in this assignment, the study of various elements along with the principles of these models will be carried along with their practical implications within business and economic context. In the last section of the assignment, contemporary examples will be analysed wherein the aforesaid models help to analyse along with understand the relevant business and economic context. 2. Principle and Structural Elements of the Porter’s Model 2.1. Porter’s Five Forces Model 2.1.1. Structural Elements Porter’s Five Forces Model is a strategic insight, which avoids keeping the company’s competitive edge at risk and also ensuring the attainment of greater profit margin on a long term basis. The profit margin of the companies depends on a number of factors that ca n also be regarded as the structural elements of the aforesaid model. These elements have been mentioned below. Threat of New Entrants: It is the prime responsibility of the companies to prevent its competitors from entering into the business markets where they operates. This particular structural element depends on numerous factors such as market size, raw materials, cost of entry and also the cultural barriers (Lima, 2006). Competitive Rivalry: The competition between the companies determines the demand for the market. It is the analysis that performs by the companies to identify their competitors and determining their strengths along with weaknesses (Lima, 2006). Bargaining Power of Buyers: This structural element helps to control the profitability in the market. The companies must be conscious in

Supply Chain Management Case Analayis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Supply Chain Management Case Analayis - Essay Example Effective supply chain management (based on collaboration between a manufacturer and retailer) allows companies to reduce costs and anticipate the demand. Another important factor is improved technology (the internet connection and computer databases) which improves coordination and control mechanisms (Simchi-Levi et al 2008). 2. In order to improve the situation, the companies should cooperate and plan their activities together. Also, they should pay a special attention to scheduling stage. Scheduling of production/operations covers detailed planning of quantities and times, facilitating the efficient and continuous operation of the process. Where smoothing is difficult to achieve, scheduling could play the role of a cushioning device. For example, it is difficult to make customers change their buying behavior, to buy diapers size two instead of size one. Instead of smoothing demand (externally) companies try to deal with the problem internally by producing at a constant rate throughout the year and building up inventories or by stepping up the production rate as the seasonal peak in demand occurs. Even if Kimberly-Clark opens its own stores, it will not benefit the company and can damage sales in Costco stores. The main problem is that Kimberly-Clark has limited product range and most buyers prefer to s ave time and visit supermarkets where they can buy goods and products for the whole family. Kimberly-Clark and Costco should cooperate and implement a new advertising campaign aimed to attract potential customers and popularize Kimberly-Clark products (Simchi-Levi et al 2008). 3. For Costco, the main advantages of supply chain management are low inventory cost and no need for ordering itself, 'full shelves' and low warehousing cost, low price which attracts consumers and saves on staff. For Kimberly-Clark, the main advantages are effective data analysis and forecasting of demand, stable sales and control over sales. This process helps Kimberly-Clark to plan its production and avoid overproduction of certain products. In general, the advantage of supply chain management is flexibility of all operations. In contrast, by encouraging the use of large batches, it deters a firm from becoming flexible in responding to changing customer needs. "A proposed supply chain is one in which all the operations that go toward manufacturing a particular product and its variations are grouped together" (Christopher 2005, p. 54). 4. The main advantage if in-house operation is a quick response, reduced time and control over the supply. Also, it allows the company to deliver better service and improve overall service level. The main disadvantage is limited number of products and dependency upon a single manufacturer. The advantages of external sources are market analysis and opportunities to switch from one supplier to another, buy low cost and high quality products from different suppliers. Many customers are brand loyal seeking a particular brand or a product. Cooperation (strategic alliance) with one company limits market opportunities of the retailer. In order to achieve greater value through reductions in both batch volumes and in barriers between operations, it would also be worthwhile and cost effective to use external sources of supply.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Opinion Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Opinion - Research Paper Example Everyone seems to care for the prolongation of the life of a beloved one, no matter the extent of socioeconomic demand thereon. For instance, psychological and medical facts supporting the possibility of terminally ill persons making a dramatic comeback from their conditions within the framework of support and care counter the propensity to implement the rights to be aided to end life. The family bond is so strong that the contemplation of assisting aiding someone to end their life is usually not commonly adopted. The patient’s rights to die may be abused for a number of reasons, creating a deliberate move to eliminate persons who need care and probably make a comeback in their health. The case of reported Dutch euthanasia data illustrates the magnitude of risks that a society may have to contend with, if the procedures of aided death fail to observe humane treatment of human dignity. Families must take a more central role in supplementing the national healthcare system in providing care to the aged, since the overstretched system will increasingly find it difficult to cover everyone. Under such conditions, the risks of euthanasia to the sociocultural fabric will continue to loom in the American society (Pevtzow, 2011). Under the conditions of a growing population of aged persons with high dependence of care to survive, healthcare systems find the burden of balancing service delivery to productive population unbearable. The astronomical costs involved in the care-intensive service to the very old always leads to debates on whether elimination of the persons would make healthcare systems sustainable for the populations. However, as illustrated above, stronger social factors tend to keep the life of the aged closer to the family structure than elimination of their life at will. Abuse of the right to die for the terminally ill, most of which are the aged may be supported by cold family members

Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 43

Ethics - Essay Example Certainly, this corporate reputation could be easily misconstrued to imply that the company is doing well in all respects. Analyzes of the company’s past performance records reveal issues of ethical concerns related to discrimination of workers. This discrimination is occasioned by arbitrary termination of contracts and firing of employees. On 28th Jan 2015, the Liberty Institute filed a case against the company on behalf of an employee named Thomas Banks. In this lawsuit, the plaintiff accused the company of firing him on religious grounds (Ferrell, Fraedrich & Ferrell, 2013). Banks had received a pro-homosexuality newsletter from his employer, Ford Company, which aroused his concern to send a feedback disagreeing with the intended homosexual policy citing non-conjunction with the biblical subscriptions. This dismissal based on the religious inclination of an employee not only implied corporate negligence of workers’ welfare but also violated the Federal civil rights act of 1964. There are several replica of such discriminatory activities associated with Ford Motor Company. This paper analyzes the ethical flaws within Ford Company in order to provide mitigation alternatives. Ford Company continues to face severe and expensive lawsuits linking it to ethical negligence. Women employees within the company have experienced sexual harassment in the enterprise. Some of the discrimination cases have been judicially addressed while others still remain at large (Ferrell, Fraedrich & Ferrell, 2013). Discrimination within Ford takes different phases including gender, racial, and religious discrimination. It is factual that the primary aim of business organizations is to attain high-profit margins and customer loyalty. The achievement of the main corporate objectives results from the proper management of human resources to ensure high quality and

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Opinion Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Opinion - Research Paper Example Everyone seems to care for the prolongation of the life of a beloved one, no matter the extent of socioeconomic demand thereon. For instance, psychological and medical facts supporting the possibility of terminally ill persons making a dramatic comeback from their conditions within the framework of support and care counter the propensity to implement the rights to be aided to end life. The family bond is so strong that the contemplation of assisting aiding someone to end their life is usually not commonly adopted. The patient’s rights to die may be abused for a number of reasons, creating a deliberate move to eliminate persons who need care and probably make a comeback in their health. The case of reported Dutch euthanasia data illustrates the magnitude of risks that a society may have to contend with, if the procedures of aided death fail to observe humane treatment of human dignity. Families must take a more central role in supplementing the national healthcare system in providing care to the aged, since the overstretched system will increasingly find it difficult to cover everyone. Under such conditions, the risks of euthanasia to the sociocultural fabric will continue to loom in the American society (Pevtzow, 2011). Under the conditions of a growing population of aged persons with high dependence of care to survive, healthcare systems find the burden of balancing service delivery to productive population unbearable. The astronomical costs involved in the care-intensive service to the very old always leads to debates on whether elimination of the persons would make healthcare systems sustainable for the populations. However, as illustrated above, stronger social factors tend to keep the life of the aged closer to the family structure than elimination of their life at will. Abuse of the right to die for the terminally ill, most of which are the aged may be supported by cold family members

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Videotape reflection Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Videotape reflection - Coursework Example I went further ahead in providing outstanding examples on the same. However, after a long talk I realized that she was not informed on the available learning points. For instance, she felt displaced when I used terms such as accommodation. I however took the professional role of explaining to her in detail what the course entailed. In addition, I realized that on top of missing critical information, my communication skills were wanting. In particular, my language was not active which upset him a little. I was poorly composed throughout the meeting. I began appropriately while composed. I introduced myself to Mrs. Shorts as well; I present the purpose of the meeting. Secondly, I never felt pressured to make important decisions. In fact, I explained everything to Mrs. Shorts, leaving her to make the decisions. I let Mrs. Shorts know that she can trust me. I avoided discussing too many negative issues of Chris; in fact, I focused on building Chris academically only. Equally, important I presented Chris agenda in a professional way leaving Mrs. Shorts to make critical decisions. However, I faced challenges in how I expressed myself, in light with conveying critical information. As well, I was a bit nervous while talking to Mrs. Shorts. Convincingly, I realized that in order to get composed for the discussion, I had to introduce Chris topic early; that is literacy development and academic success. I went forth to explain the importance of the collaborative relationship between Mrs. Shorts and me. I as well was obliged in accepting that parents view their role in different ways, which made me more knowledgeable about cultural diversity, and it affected my relationship with Mrs. Shorts. I build parents’ knowledge of literacy procedures where I assumed that Mrs. Shorts was supporting Chris learning. I even enquired how the boy performed while at home. In particular, I

Monday, October 14, 2019

Plato and Aristotle Essay Example for Free

Plato and Aristotle Essay Plato and Aristotle both have been very influential as the ancient Greek philosophers. Aristotle was a student of Plato and there are many similarities between these intellectual giants of the ancient world but there are also many things that distinguish them from each other. Aristotle was far more empirical-minded than Plato. First, Platos philosophy relegated the material, physical world to a sort of metaphysical second class. His contention was that the abstract truths of the mind-mathematical truths, moral and normative truths about ideals-are what really matter in life and in philosophy, and that the empirical world around us consists of merely poor copies of these ideals. By contrast, Aristotle did as much or more work in what we would today call science (physics, biology, etc. ) as in what remains a part of philosophy. While Aristotle certainly did important work in ethics and related areas, he concentrated as much or more on examining the material world. Plato can be read at times as being quite disparaging of science. This is not true of Aristotle. Second, the difference in the approaches and values of these two philosophers resulted in very different political philosophies. Platos political philosophy, which can be found principally in the Republic. For him, the just state is one ruled by ascetic philosophers who have been raised from birth not to value material reward or exclusive human connections, even with their own kin. They are the ideal of wise, objective, fair-minded, ultra-rational beings. In contrast to Platos utopian political philosophy, Aristotles political philosophy, which can be found principally in the Politics, has a large component of descriptive political science. When he does argue for certain political schemes, they tend to be incremental improvements on existing systems. Like his teacher Plato, Aristotles philosophy aims at the universal. Aristotle, however, finds the universal in particular things, which he calls the essence of things, while Plato finds that the universal exists apart from particular things. Aristotle makes philosophy coextensive with reasoning, which he also would describe as science. Note, however, that his use of the term science carries a different meaning than that covered by the term scientific method. For Aristotle, all science is practical, poetical or theoretical. By practical science, he means ethics and politics; by poetical science, he means the study of poetry and the other fine arts; by theoretical science, he means physics, mathematics and metaphysics. In general, Plato is the more extravagant thinker, the thinking outside the box type who was equal parts brilliant and bizarre in his ideas. Aristotle is more the cool, logical, dry, systematic thinker whose works tend to read like encyclopedias.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Joy of Soy :: Argumentative Health Diet Essays

The Joy of Soy In Chinese, the word for soybean is ta-tou, which translates, "greater bean" (Simmons 1991). Many Americans who are trying to make changes in their health are beginning to agree with this definition. Soybeans are becoming a legume of the future. SOY - CAN IT SURVIVE THE HYPE? Scientific research has discovered that adding soy foods to your diet can dramatically improve your health ( People that incorporate soybeans and soy products into their diet have been shown to live healthier lives. The substitution of soy proteins for animal proteins in the diet can have dramatic affects on a person's health, though many Americans have not yet discovered the use of soy in the diet. The most common form of soy protein is derived from "white flakes," that are made by dehulling, flaking, and defatting soybeans by hexane extraction. These flakes contain 50-54% protein, and these flakes can be extracted to produce soy concentrates containing 65-70% protein (Lusas, l995). Soybeans, which were originally brought to the United States by Chinese immigrants, were discovered by Dr. John Henry Kellogg, who first used the soybean to develop a substitute for the traditional bacon and egg breakfast. He was also the first to develop meat substitutes and soymilk made from soybeans ( The soybean is naturally rich in phosphatidycholine, which is an important component of the cell membranes and also an efficient delivery system of nutrients ( Recently, the soybean has undergone a transformation from food to medicine ( THE PRODUCT Dr. Earl Mindell's company, FreeLife, has produced a line of soy-based health supplements that combine the soybean and the Japanese Grape Seed. These products are composed of Dr. Mindell's homemade Ultra Soy Complexes as well as a variety of other vitamins and minerals. These soy-based supplements are advertised and marketed on the internet; designed to catch the eye of the health-conscious reader. Dr. Mindell has hundreds of advertisements, and even his own home page. The first thought that comes to mind when reading these advertisements is, "Why should I believe this and switch my diet to a soy-based diet?" While the effects of Dr. Mindell's products may be slightly exaggerated, there may actually be more to a soy diet than many Americans would like to admit. Dr. Mindell's soy products must each be examined separately in order to discern the true effects of the product on a person's diet. The Joy of Soy :: Argumentative Health Diet Essays The Joy of Soy In Chinese, the word for soybean is ta-tou, which translates, "greater bean" (Simmons 1991). Many Americans who are trying to make changes in their health are beginning to agree with this definition. Soybeans are becoming a legume of the future. SOY - CAN IT SURVIVE THE HYPE? Scientific research has discovered that adding soy foods to your diet can dramatically improve your health ( People that incorporate soybeans and soy products into their diet have been shown to live healthier lives. The substitution of soy proteins for animal proteins in the diet can have dramatic affects on a person's health, though many Americans have not yet discovered the use of soy in the diet. The most common form of soy protein is derived from "white flakes," that are made by dehulling, flaking, and defatting soybeans by hexane extraction. These flakes contain 50-54% protein, and these flakes can be extracted to produce soy concentrates containing 65-70% protein (Lusas, l995). Soybeans, which were originally brought to the United States by Chinese immigrants, were discovered by Dr. John Henry Kellogg, who first used the soybean to develop a substitute for the traditional bacon and egg breakfast. He was also the first to develop meat substitutes and soymilk made from soybeans ( The soybean is naturally rich in phosphatidycholine, which is an important component of the cell membranes and also an efficient delivery system of nutrients ( Recently, the soybean has undergone a transformation from food to medicine ( THE PRODUCT Dr. Earl Mindell's company, FreeLife, has produced a line of soy-based health supplements that combine the soybean and the Japanese Grape Seed. These products are composed of Dr. Mindell's homemade Ultra Soy Complexes as well as a variety of other vitamins and minerals. These soy-based supplements are advertised and marketed on the internet; designed to catch the eye of the health-conscious reader. Dr. Mindell has hundreds of advertisements, and even his own home page. The first thought that comes to mind when reading these advertisements is, "Why should I believe this and switch my diet to a soy-based diet?" While the effects of Dr. Mindell's products may be slightly exaggerated, there may actually be more to a soy diet than many Americans would like to admit. Dr. Mindell's soy products must each be examined separately in order to discern the true effects of the product on a person's diet.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Teaching-Learning Experience Essay -- Health Care, Nursing

There are many factors in society that have both a direct and indirect influence on the competencies that our student nurses and colleagues need to attain to provide competent evidenced based care. Nursing has a social duty to ensure positive patient care outcomes and contribute to society through knowledge based care. The first step that this author think that we must do as nurse educators in order to have a role in this duty is assess the society for changes that are occurring that we must prepare our students to effectively deal with from a knowledge based standpoint with fellow humans as the main focus (McCurry, Revell & Roy 2010). We as nurse educators and nurses must question existing care practices, try out innovative measures and participate in research for the common good of our society and patients (McCurry et al. 2010) After analyzing society for changes that have occurred in the last five years the following are the two changes that this author thinks should affect o ur profession’s educational experiences of nursing students as well as practicing registered nurses including: obesity and smoking cessation. If anyone in society was to read a newspaper, article or watch the television then they would be likely to hear or see someone talking about the epidemic of obesity whether directly or indirectly. There is a lot of focus on reducing obesity or preventing obesity through keeping weight under control to avoid chronic preventable diseases (Poon & Tarrant). Obesity is a medical condition where there is excess accumulation of body fat that has the potential to cause adverse health effects and diseases including: diabetes, renal insufficiency, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea and certain cancers (Poon & Tarrant 2009... ...ludes: stress reduction, breathing techniques, and nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) if needed by the patient. Nurses have a sworn duty and obligation to promote the good of society in practice and we as nurse educators have that same responsibility. We must fulfill this responsibility by assess for societal changes that are occurring and which we need to include in our content matter when educating student nurses or fellow colleagues to ensure positive patient care outcomes. After assess the societal changes that have occurred in the last five years it is in this authors opinion there has been a focus and refocus on reducing obesity and smoking. It is great to see that the organization for this author’s practical experience has included these changes on their agenda for providers of health care which will promote the greater good of society as a whole.

Friday, October 11, 2019

The disvantage and advantage of globalization

Globalization describes the process by which regional economies, societies, and cultures have become integrated through a global network of communication, transportation, and trade. † (Globalization, 2010). Nowadays, small business has to compete against multinational companies face to face as globalization becomes an irreversible momentum. In some case, small business have no need to against the large companies because they focus on different scale until the small companies grow up.However, I agree that small business in IT industries cannot compete against multinational companies when small companies become threats to the lager ones. In this essay, I will explain why small business still exist today and compare their advantages to multinational companies in the sector of financial strengths and productivity advantages. Small business still exists now because they have unique features, especially they focus on the lower market. It is no need for them to compete against the mul tinational companies Sometimes. Hey sever the specific communities. Such as they are willing to run their small business in some small illegal and remote area where multinational firms do not pay attention to. Enclave, K. (2002) argued that small business have to overcome these rules: â€Å"†¦ Information technology (IT) powerless crowd out product development Initiatives†¦ † It Is clearly that overcoming these sales abstract is difficult but not impossible. Small business has its own advantages because it can use convenient and easy solutions to common business problems.However, low price is the most popular strategy for small business to make profits and attract customers' attention. Small business spends less none on advanced Invention. Comparing Dell Company mentioned by Enclave (2002) that if they want to enlarge their popularity they have prepackaged solutions to meet unique buyer's need. They set up specific system to solve these problems to keep In touch wit h their customers. As a result, they have to Invest more money to the stuff. In order to maintain their cost, they have to raise the selling price. That Is the major reason why small business can exist at present.But after small companies changes into large ones, multinational firms consider those companies as a threat, in order to hold their markets share, which will acquire or knock down small business before they growth. Multinational corporations have financial strength support them to enlarge their market share. As a result, it is relatively easy for them to meet the customers' need and enhance their reputation. Large companies are willing to spend money on observations about what people really need and want to buy. They invest amount of money In advertising their products.For example, IBM personal computer business was acquired by Chinese famous personal computer brand Leno, and hen, spend almost one million hired Chinese famous movie star Jingle Xx as their spokeswomen. Not o nly this, Leno company invest large deal of money to sponsor many activities on television and radio to enhance its popularity. As for small business, they will be asked for achieve their customers' need and have large fund to broaden kinds of products claimed by Enclave (2002). Preston (2010) cited Bob Evans 1 OFF than what you have. † It seems hard for small business to follow multinational companies.Small business have tight budget and less popular than large firms, asking over large companies market stocks is difficult for it. Small companies can still exist because of the scale they were chosen. Sheldon small firms are held in CAB, they chose to serve the limited people instead of making less money because much more large companies in there. Small business avoid compete against large firms directly. Multinationals companies have high productivity benefit from their advanced technology. High technology helps those firms make high profits and also help themselves a lot. The productivity advantage of foreign-owned firms is usually en as reflecting multinationals' technological advantage visa–visa domestic firms. † (Marksmen, 2002 cited by Grammar & G ¶erg, 2007). However, advanced technology plays vital role in processing high productivity. Consumers are more willing to pay more to buy those high quality productions, they believe this goods produced by large companies have quality assurance. Another example to support this argument is by Preston (2010) whose study compares the strategic IT companies in the world.He shows that IBM as a technology provider, grabbing consumer market by its innovation product named Smarter Planet. Some software companies in small scale sell some cheaper goods to make profit, but these products cannot run well in the long term. Consequently, people always spend a lot to repair them. Then, fewer people will purchase their products because of lacking of guarantee. It leads themselves face the big problem that b ankruptcy or acquired by large firms. Grammar (2007) quotes Balk (2001) who stated that different roles in different kinds of economies play various roles for productivity growth.To conclude, Multinational reparations have financial strength support them to enlarge their market share. For instance, improving popularity through advertisement and getting high productivity because of their advanced technology. In some cases, small business has no need to fight against multinational companies as they are focus on different market. When small business growing up, they would be take into consideration by large companies because those firms will reduce their market share. Whether small business should compete against multinational ones or not depend on what market they focus on.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

A pair of blue eyes Essay

With reference to the first seven chapters, show how Hardy uses the novels setting to develop character It has been said by many critics, that the main focus of Hardy’s pre-19th century novel â€Å"The Return of the Native†, is none of the characters, but the almost animate heath land upon which it is set. Hardy’s methods of describing the heath, allows us to view it as several different things to several different characters, for example, Eustacia Vye, to whom the heath is a prison, or Clym Yeobright, husband of Eustacia, who views Egdon Heath as an area housing the commonest man, a group of people who have been transformed into simplicity by the heath, who he can educate. One possible reason of this is because the heath is written to seem almost ancient, thus has had time to adapt to the way nature shapes the landscape at its will, â€Å"at present, a place perfectly accordant with mans nature â€Å". With features such as barrows, Hardy has created a religious, almost pagan feel to the heath land, with on which the main characters congregate in the first few scenes, to hold a bonfire, giving the night air upon the land an eerie feeling throughout the rest of the book. The weather upon the heath through the early chapters is somewhat harsh, â€Å"the storm was its love, the wind was its friend† yet still the characters persist to roam the heath at night, Eustacia especially, searching endlessly for an escape. One good example is where Eustacia awaits Wildeve upon a barrow, but she utters a sigh as she waits, pondering whether he will arrive, â€Å"thrown out with the winds, it became twined in with them†. It is events like these which Hardy gives us insight to, that we can see the development of the characters, for example, this is just another step of Eustacia becoming even more heavily buried within the land. Hardy also uses inanimate objects other than the heath, to create an atmosphere, such as the fire which burns between Wildeve and Eustacia as they speak,† The revived embers of passion glowed clearly in Wildeve now†. However, Eustacia does not light a communal bonfire for the sake of community, nor for the sake of sanity, similar to the locals who feel that communication through bonfire separates them from the heath,† perhaps as many as thirty bonfires could be counted within the whole bounds of the district†. She lights her fire, and attempts to communicate with something which will set her free from the realm – a man, to either take her from Egdon to America, such as Wildeve promises, or back to Paris, the location from which her husband has come. Another interesting feature of Hardy using objects, rather than words or actions to describe how a character feels, is Eustacia constantly viewing the heath from her telescope, as if she is hoping for some kind of miracle, a ‘knight in shining armour’ to come and whisk her from her feet. Another good example of a similar event is her checking her hourglass while waiting upon the heath. These two items, the telescope in particular being from distant places (of which she wishes she could travel to), differ significantly from peasant tools or items, from which she is eager to disassociate herself from. However Hardy is again referring to the vastness of the heath, by implementing a telescope, and the immense age of the heath, by an hourglass, however, for Eustacia, the hourglass diminishes the vastness of the heath, almost providing her with something she’s wished for. The heath folk seem to exist in a more than comfortable relationship with the heath, and the heath in a comfortable relationship with civilisation, as it becomes overgrown; the humans cut the furze and faggots, and put them for good use – fire. The folk seem to be driving off the darkness, upon November 5th, Guy Forks night, upon a barrow used for burials in the past, â€Å"the ashes of the original pyre which blazed from that summit lay fresh and undisturbed in the barrow beneath their tread†. The ‘locals’ don’t even appear to be celebrating this fact, more so finding comfort in the spotting of other fires lighted in the district. The people here are highly superstitious, and due to the size of the community, and involvement with other communities (very little), the heath only fuels their ideas, as is shown in the third chapter, when the heath folk are talking about Christian – a man who no man would marry, for the reason of the date he was born upon having no moon,†No moon : hey neighbours, that’s bad for him†? This early superstition in the novel serves many purposes, the main ones being reader interest, and plot evolution – for it is a form of superstition, voodoo, which a heath folk uses against Eustacia as she finally tries to negate the heath, causing her death. Another pastime which suitably provides the heath inhabitants when they are not creating fire is gossip. The heath only fuels the peoples desire to talk about others’ business, because the community is very small, so hence everybody is aware of the news of everybody else, for instance, the news of Clyms success as a scholar travels for miles before he has even reached the age of three. Personally, I do not subscribe to the belief that the heath is a character within its own right, even though Hardy inspires such thoughts with phrases such as â€Å"The storm was its lover, the wind was its friend†. I believe that Hardy’s immense concentration upon the heath is merely a sign of two its importance to the play, and as a method which he can use to develop the rest of the characters, such as Eustacia, helping her to constantly arrive at a â€Å"state of enlightenment which feels that nothing is worthwhile†..

Coca-Cola Case Study

I. CURRENT SITUATION A. Past Corporate Performance IndexesThe Coca-Cola Company Heritage Timeline 1886-1892 – Atlanta Beginningsâ€Å"COCA-COLA IS ENJOYED IN THE UNITED STATES.† Coca-Cola made its debut in Atlanta, at the Jacob’s Pharmacy soda fountain, where it sold for 5 cents in a glass. In the first year, the Company sold about 9 glasses of Coca-Cola a day. The first advertisement for Coca-Cola appears in the â€Å"Atlanta Journal.† Frank Robinson suggests the name Coca-Cola and pens the now-famous Coca-Cola trademark in Spencerian script; the script is still used today. Free drink coupons are distributed to encourage people to try Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola first uses calendars and outside posters for advertising.1893-1904 – Beyond Atlanta â€Å"COCA-COLA IS ENJOYED IN THE UNITED STATES.† Coca-Cola hires first Celebrity Spokesperson Hilda Clark, a Music Hall performer. The Coca-Cola trademark is registered in the U.S. Patent Office. In Chicago , Coca-Cola makes its first appearance a World’s Fair. Coca-Cola is first put into bottles in Vicksburg, Mississippi, by Joseph Biedenharn. â€Å"Coca-Cola is sold and consumed in every state and territory of the United States,† proclaims Asa Candler. The Coca-Cola Company branded urns and clocks.Large-scale bottling begins in Chattanooga, Tennessee. The annual advertising budget for Coca-Cola surpasses the $100,000 mark for the first time. The first magazine ads for Coca-Cola appear in national consumer publications.1905-1918 – Safeguarding the Brand â€Å"COCA-COLA IS ENJOYED IN 8 COUNTRIES WORLDWIDE† To combat copycats, Coca-Cola develops a unique bottle, the Contour Bottle. Cuba, Canada and Panama become the first three countries outside the U.S. to bottle Coca-Cola. Bottles of Coca-Cola are delivered by horse drawn  carriages. The annual ad budget reaches $1 million.Copycat beverages try to capitalize on the success of Coca-Cola. The 6 1/2 – ounce refillable glass contour bottle is introduced to distinguish Coca-Cola from competitors. Though patented in 1915, the contour bottle to the public in 1916. Asa Candler resigns from The Coca-Cola Company and is elected Mayor of Atlanta.1919-1940 – The Woodruff Legacy â€Å"COCA-COLA IS ENJOYED IN 53 COUNTRIES WORLDWIDE. Coca-Cola introduces the Six-Pack, a convenient packaging revolutionizes soft drink consumption by enabling people to enjoy Coca-Cola anywhere. Coca-Cola is listed on the New York Stock Exchange, at $40/share. The first European bottling plants open in Paris and Bordeaux, France. Robert W. Woodruff is elected president of The Coca-Cola Company, beginning six decades of leadership. The first billboard for Coca-Cola appears.The IX Olympic Games open in Amsterdam and Coca-Cola is there – its first Olympics. The first large neon sign for Coca-Cola is placed in Times Square, New York. The bell-shaped glass is adopted as the standard glass for serving C oca-Cola at soda fountains. The Coca-Cola Santa Claus, created by Haddon Sundblom, first appears in advertising. The first standardized coin-operated vending machines are used.1941-1950 –The War and its Legacy â€Å"COCA-COLA IS ENJOYED IN 120 COUNTRIES WORLDWIDE† The elf-like Sprite is introduced to promote the use of the word â€Å"Coke† when asking for Coca-Cola. The term â€Å"Coke† is used for the first time in magazine ads to help establish it as a trademark. During World War II, Technical Observers are sent to operate bottling plants overseas; they supervise the shipment and operation of 64 complete bottling plants that will distribute over 5 billion bottles of Coca-Cola to American troops. A new sleek look for the Coca-Cola fountain dispenser – created by fame industrial designer Raymond Loewy – is introduced. Coca-Cola becomes the first-ever product to appear on the cover of TIME Magazine. The annual budget surpasses $30  million. The first king-size and family-size bottles are introduced. The Santa Claus doll is issued for the time on a limited basis. Coca-Cola is a welcome accompaniment to 1950s leisure activities such as bowling, picnics and road trips.1960-1981 – A World of Customers â€Å"COCA-COLA IS ENJOYED IN 163 COUNTRIES WORLDWIDE.† During the 70’s, Coca –Cola thrilled the world with its exciting and dynamic advertising. The 12-ounce can for Coca-Cola is introduced. Sprite is introduced.TaB, the Company’s first diet soft drink, is introduced.The first lift-top cans are introduced.The Dynamic Ribbon Device – commonly called the Coke â€Å"wave† – is introduced to the public as part of a new 1970s look for Coca-Cola. Georgia Coffee is introduced to Japan.Coca-Cola comes to China – the only packaged cold drink allowed in the country. The U.S. Olympic Hall of Fame is founded by the U.S. Olympic Committee and The Coca-Cola Company. Roberto C. Goizueta becomes chairman and CEO of The Coca-Cola Company.1982-1989 – Diet Coke and New Coke â€Å"COCA-COLA IS ENJOYED IN 165 COUNTRIES WORLDWIDE.† Diet Coke was introduced – the very first extension of Coca-Cola trademark and had become the top low-calorie drink in the world. The Coca-Cola Foundation is established.Coca-Cola becomes the first soft drink to be consumed in space when astronauts test the â€Å"Coca-Cola Space Can† aboard Space Shuttle Challenger. The Company introduces a new taste for Coca-Cola (â€Å"new Coke†) and brings back Coca-Cola classic after protests by loyal customers. Coca-Cola becomes the first trademark displayed in Pushkin Square, Moscow.1990-1999 – New Markets and Brands â€Å"COCA-COLA IS ENJOYED IN NEARLY 200 COUNTRIES WORLDWIDE.† Coca-Cola is  introduced in East Germany.World of Coca-Cola, an attraction dedicated to the Company’s history, opens in Atlanta. Coca-Cola introduces the first bo ttles made partially with recycled plastic, an innovation for the industry. The Coca-Cola Polar Bear first stars in advertising.The 20-ounce plastic contour bottle is introduced; the bottle helps distinguished Coca-Cola form other brands. Barq’s root bear and cream soda brands join the Coca-Cola Company’s family of brands. The Coca-Cola Company sponsors the Summer Olympic Games in its hometown, Atlanta. The Coca-Cola extends its Project Hope initiative in China by awarding four-year grants for collegiate study to nearly 700 students. Coca-Cola extends its FIFA partnership with a long-term committed to the Federation Internationale de Football Association.The Company’s long association with sports was strengthened during this decade with Rugby World Cup and National Basketball Association and also became the Official Soft Drink of NASCAR racing. Dasani, a bottled water product; Powerade, sports drink; and Qoo, a children’s drink, joins the Company’s line-up of brands. The Company further expanded through acquisitions, including Limca, Maaza, and Thumbs Up in India; Inca Kola in Peru and Cadbury Schweppes’ beverage in more than 120 countries.2000-Present – Coca-Cola Now â€Å"COCA-COLA IS ENJOYED IN MORE THAN 200 COUNTRIES WORLDWIDE† Coca-Cola global marketing platform makes its debut.The â€Å"Fride Pack† – a thinner, longer 12-pack designed to take up less space on refrigerator shelves – is launched in the U.S. The Winter Olympic Games are hed in Salt Lake City, Utah, marketing the 74th consecutive year The Coca-Cola Company has been an Olympic Sponsor. Coca-Cola is one of two primary sponsors of â€Å"American Idol† in the U.S., the music contest program that became a pop culture phenomenon. E. Neville Isdell is elected chairman of the board and CEO of the Company. The Company extends its sponsorship of the Olympic Games through 2020. Coca-Cola Zero, a zero-calorie cola with r eal Coca-Cola taste, is introduced.B.Strategic PostureCurrent Mission Our Roadmap starts with our mission, which is enduring. It declares our purpose as a company and serves as the standard against which we weigh our actions and decisions. To refresh the world To inspire the moments of optimism and happiness To create value and make a difference Current ObjectivesOur Main Objective is to be globally known as a business that conducts business responsibility and ethically and to accelerate sustainable growth to operate in tomorrow’s world. By having these objectives, we form the foundation for companies in the decision making process Current StrategiesOur company aims to be globally known, we do this by targeting different areas across the globe with different products, gaining our brand and popularity. All our bottling partners work closely with our customers such as convenience stores, grocery stores, movie theaters and street vendors to create and use localized strategies de veloped in partnership with the Company. Our competition with other beverage companies are also narrowed down as they own various brands that could be possible competition. Our Company often reviews and evaluates business plans and performance to improve their earning and analyze their competitive position in the market.Current Policies We firmly commit to conduct all our business activities in a socially responsible manner, ensuring: The health and safety of our employees The protection of our consumers and other external stakeholders The protection of the environment. Some of our policies that we uphold are: Environmental Policy Equality of Opportunity Policy Quality and food safety policy Health and wellness Policy Climate Change Policy And the likes.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Chinese economic developments in the nineteenth century Essay

Chinese economic developments in the nineteenth century - Essay Example The paper will also look at China’s scope in foreign trade and the changing trends occasioned by a variety of trading empires from the west and in particular the period of treaty port which opened up china’s ports to the world. On focus is china’s conflict with a growing west of the 19th century especially England which was confrontational. Another consideration is the crises being experienced then in China due to rebellion and other natural and social issues that opened her market to the west. China in the 19th century Just as the emergence of China in the 21st century has had a drastic effect on the Western economies today, the same can be said, but in reverse, of China two centuries ago when European countries took over as the world economic power houses rendering China as a client state. China’s volume of foreign exchange continued to be low and restricted but later a remarkable increase was witnessed as product from different corners especially Europe and neighboring Far East countries started flowing into the Chinese market (Keller, Li and Shiue 2010, p. 1). Below is a graphical illustration showing China’s foreign trade with the leading economies between 1865 and 1900. Source: Keller, Li and Shiue (2010, P.42). Chinese ports became the conduit by which foreign goods were transited through. During this period China was still prosperous with a great endowment of natural resources; a colossal though contented populace that boasted of a prestigious royal dynasty domestically and overseas (Asia for Educators 2004, p. 1). China’s dynastic empire was the leading economy in the world at the start of 19th century and her Gross Domestic Product (GDP) surpassed the combined GDPs of Western Europe, the North America, Japan and...This essay offers a retrospective comprehensive review of the economic developments in China during the nineteenth century. The paper explores Chinese scope in foreign trade in that period and the ch anging trends, which were occasioned by a variety of trading empires from the west and in particular the period of treaty port which opened up china’s ports to the world. Just as the emergence of China in the twenty first century has had a drastic effect on the Western economies today, the same can be said, but in reverse, of China two centuries ago when European countries took over as the world economic power houses rendering China as a client state. The entry into China by the Europeans and the subsequent forced opening of Chinese port and eventual setting up of treaty ports that favored the West over the Chinese culminated into an influx of a variety of products range and goods as well, as we saw above the smuggling of opium an item that led to the opium wars. This resulted into China increasingly turning to a client state during the period of nineteenth century as imported rate of imported new goods grew yearly Two centuries ago China suffered humiliation from the west when her territory was defiled and their culture trampled upon. From the rich history of China it is evident that though the West forcefully entered China and imposed its agenda selfishly by compelling the Chinese leadership to enter into biased treaties, a thing the Chinese detested, in the long run it is the Chinese who have benefited.